The buzz about grade Tablet devices consumption being used more for applications of point-of-sale (POS) of points we've all heard of. And there have been whispers that in time these consumer grade POS tablets might be the end of the traditional POS stations as we have known them for many years. The advantages of grade Tablet devices consumption being carried in a POS environment we've all heard. Well know these features and benefits of devices tablet : ease of use, mobility, and the cost of saving seem to be the most common points of sale for grade POS Tablet devices consumption. But I am not going to review all its professionals in this article; I would like to comment on some of their level of consumption of Agre Tablet devices they are just that... degree of consumption, which means that they are not IP54 (or higher) nominal. These devices generally have not been approved to withstand multiple drops to concrete; they are not generally well sealed water or resistant to dust, and these devices are limited in duration of the battery. In addition, integration with other hardware peripherals POS (if used in the envelope of cash) is very limited. One must also consider the readers of credit card that is plugged into the audio connector on the Tablet could pose a security threat. These devices may not be PCI compliant, so it is best to do your homework before you buy and integrate a card reader and POS software for a Tablet device to make sure that not open yourself up to security risks. In addition, these credit cards from jack audio readers are issued by a single account merchant processing company that can block signed you a contract with higher rates of transaction credit card processing, so be sure to read the small print before accepting the terms... conclusion... Compare.
Usually grade Tablet devices are often in small establishments of ' MOM & pop'. However, if a company grows (that is the goal) and need more than one POS workstation, or additional locations are opened, then grade as the main POS Tablet devices already it will not be a good choice because of the limited functionality of hardware and software. To give an extreme example, you don't see a string of restaurant using Tablet grade devices as their main POS stations or national retail.
I am not opposed to use consumer grade Tablet devices in POS; and you will have a place in certain circumstances; However, it is better to consider seriously the pros and cons of them to be the main and only item before a final decision is made to put them into practice in any POS application. Keep in mind the long-term objective for the business and the daily turnover expected. Future upgrade options may in your POS system of research.? Once you have reviewed your goals and what you ultimately want the POS system now and years there, then leave and buy what is best for the business in the long term. Only you may end up buying one of these places in pursuit of old school after all.