PlayBook Do Over: RIM Tablet 'Revamp' Confirmed Amidst RIM CEO Shakeup

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RIM is working hard on a BlackBerry PlayBook revamp for early 2012, which will include the BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 update in February and perhaps two new models. The news comes amidst a CEO shakeup at RIM in which co-CEOs Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis stepped down late Sunday evening and were replaced by now former co-COO Thorsten Heins.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that a BlackBerry PlayBook “revamp” in early 2012 is one of RIM “two biggest projects,” along with new BlackBerry handsets running BlackBerry 10, RIM’s new QNX-based operating system scheduled to ship later in the year.

The report lends credence to reports last week that RIM is working on a new 7-inch BlackBerry PlayBook with 3G support and an LTE-enabled 10-inch PlayBook.

The current BlackBerry PlayBook, which was released in early 2011, will definitely receive the BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 as an over-the-air update in February, and it will bring native email, calendar, and contacts clients, as well as an Android app player. TabletPCReview received extensive hands-on time with the new operating system at CES 2012. RIM also confirmed that the current PlayBook will receive an update to BlackBerry 10 when it becomes available later this year.

Source: Wall Street Journal via The Verge

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