As the India developing countries, more than 100 million children do not have electricity in their schools; that rule out the idea of having computers in these schools. With the development of technology solar powered recent Tablet PC , these rural students of Indians are the test subjects for la-slate - a touchscreen tablet the possible made by Rice University and the University of Nanyang in Singapore technology.
Run entirely on solar power, these cleverly designed touch screen Tablet devices may be the future of computers in the world, regardless of the economic situation. Through the use of a free natural resource technology can (and probably will be) to everyone, even children in third world countries. Life in India and other developing countries will change; that change starts with children and how to access and interact with technology.
Due to the development of newly designed microchips, these s of touchscreen Tabletwill finally work completely in panels that are similar to those found in the calculators with a function of solar power. Low energy consumption microchips used up a fraction of the electricity than typical processors.
This surprising development of Tablet PC team was originally the creation of Krishna Palem of Rice University. However, researchers at the technological University of Nanyang in Singapore have also taken part in the development of the project-Slate. India non-profit organization villages of development and learning Foundation (ViDAL) and Switzerland Center for electronics and Microtechnology have also contributed to the development of la-Slate. This project is a compilation of the efforts of many different talented people around the world who believe in the message of la-Slate intended to convey.
Rural Indian School near the India city of Hyderabad, ranging in ages from 10 to 13 have begun to test prototypes. The majority of children that have been testing the Slate has never used a computer or even seen a computer before. Like most children, they naturally were familiar with the technology and immediately picked up on how to use the touch screen Tablet PC. His curiosity helped to make the proof of a successful process.
In 2009, the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) considered that la-Slate one of seven of the most promising new technologies that "would have consequences for the world changing in the way that humans interact with machines, the world and each other". With a computer in every classroom in the world, believe that creativity and efforts to change of life can be achieved. La-Slate is about to change the world as we know it. India and other developing countries that previously had been able to provide ample opportunities for all its citizens will benefit more than this new technological advance. With the successful development of la-Slate, a team may be within reach of literally anyone.
Susan Slobac is a consultant in the industry of personal gadgets. Susan writes about trends in the Tablet touch & tablet PC.