What Should I Look For in a Convertible Netbook Tablet?

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With all this rush for touch tablets this year manufacturers forget that consumers don't always know what a touch tablet it or what to look for when they want to buy one. This post will try and shed light upon this matter and tell you what types of tablets are the most common and what to look for when searching for the perfect convertible netbook tablet (the most flexible category of them all).

So, types of tablets: first we have slate tablets, the kind that look like laptops without the keyboard part, that's why they're called slates, second there are convertible tablets, or Tablet PCs and convertible netbook tablets that bring netbook specs and portability to the pack.

Now the criteria that needs to be met by a convertible netbook tablet to get even considered by consumers:

Screen size: anything between 10.1 and 11.6 inches is OK. 1024 x 600 pixels resolution is enough for most purposes. Look for 720p if you have good eye sight
CPU: a new Atom CPU from the Pinetrail platform is enough for all purposes. Higher clock speed is always better so keep this in mind
Storage: seek at leas 2 GB RAM and a sizeable internal hard drive. If you got the money try an SSD drive that will significantly improve performance and battery life
Battery: the larger the batter, as you'll be able to stay away from the plug longer. Note that a bigger battery adds bulk to the overall system tough
Accessories: make sure the model you intend to buy has WiFi, Bluetooth, (3G is a nice option to have), card reader and multitouch

Those are the main 4 criteria cu match when purchasing for a convertible netbook tablet. Stick to this guideline and you'll be fine with a model that will fulfill your expectations.

All Touch tablet.com is as site that keeps you in contact with all news, reviews and articles about the latest and the best convertible netbook tablets, aka netvertibles, found in stores today.

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