Before the iPad was launched there were not too many tablet PCs on the market. However after it was launched more and more tablet PCs appeared on the market, and soon enough many types of tablet PC devices were developed.
The fact that the iPad was the device that started the whole tablet PC frenzy proves it is a device worth looking at. The iPad, which many say is the best tablet device in the world, is a pure tablet PC. This means it will be great for you if you are tired of the classical keyboard. However, if you need to type a lot of text on your touch tablet you may still be able to buy the iPad instead of a convertible tablet PC by adding an accessory to your iPad. The accessory is called the iPad keyboard dock and it will let you use a classical keyboard in order to be able to type in text more efficiently.
Many have called the iPad the best touch tablet because of its design. It is hard for any company to manage to create beautiful designs that can truly rival with the Apple design of this tablet.
With the help of iPad covers and cases you can also turn the device many say is the best touch tablet PC in a device that suits your style. The iPad can look elegant or sporty, aggressive or glamour according to what covers and cases you choose for it.
If you want to you can even transform the best tablet into a convertible tablet PC. This can be done with the help of an iPad accessory called the iPad keyboard dock. It will let people who need to type in a lot of text use a real keyboard and they will also be able to simultaneously charge their tablet.
The iPad is a special tablet because of the fact that a huge niche market of iPad accessories has developed around it. This is why the Apple product is extremely well customizable. Of course, as with all Apple products the starting price is not low. You can buy the iPad from a starting price of 500 dollars. However if you are an Apple fan you will surely be willing to spend a few extra bucks on the superb quality of the Apple tablet!
John Popes writes for, a niche site where you can find info if you want to get the best tablet model today, but also to get info about how you can better take advantage of one once you purchased it. It's the site to follow and share with friends if you're a tablet passionate.