Confirmation of a strategy and a short-term release comes directly from Eric Schmidt, Google's President, with an interview with Corriere della Sera. The new tablet, defined by high quality, should be available between six months and sraà because of a competition ' brutal ' with Apple.
Currently Google, after purchasing Motorola Mobility, is the tablet market with the Motorola Xoom and Adroid Honeycomb.
Today, Android, iPad, compared to the still suffers from the lack of applications for screens larger than those of a smartphone. Android is a scalable platform for all types of APP but not always the use that third parties make it can compete with the best you can already do on the Apple iPad.
The versatility and diversity of many existing Android platforms then poses the problem of how to do to compete with the iPad and Apple that has made simplicity its strength.
To understand what will have been able to Google, not just wait six months. Few but in a year that will be full of novelty (iPad Kindle Fire 3, etc.) and therefore of potential risks for Google.