Chistmas Carol di Charles Dickens in ebook

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The book of Charles Dickens ' A Christmas Carol ' has been converted from his physical form on paper in a digital format and is available through the web.

The book, considered the text more Christmas ever written, represents a tradition that continued for years and has been continuously printed each year from when it appeared in the winter of 1843

The book is special because it contains a collection of eighty illustrations of Everett Shinn (1876-1953), artist and Illustrator of newspapers and magazines very known and popular at the time of publication of the book.

The book can be ordered on Amazon.

APP available on iPad.

Always on iTunes for iPad.

Available on iPad even a hand-written and illustrated by Alan l. Tabor, a little known artist of Manchester. The book was digitized using the best technologies available for photographers book world specialists. Tabor wrote the entire manuscript in hand and the istoriò with fantastic medieval illustrations. Published the last time in 1916, in his book the digital version offers owners a whole new experience iPad the priced of £ 4.99. On iTunes.

Who does not read or reads a little but loves the tablet ... sings!


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