SOLOTABLET:Let's start with a short story about why you decided to invest in the market for tablet and what were the economic rationale for strategic, market and who have made your choices.
We are a group of 4 friends, all with great experience in computers, work-wise, Gino Sarnieri intuited ben 3 years ago which trend would have depopulated with the arrival of mobile devices and we willingly in this adventure that impassions us and amuses us.
SOLOTABLET: What do you think of the new mobile devices and how they are placed on the corporate and consumer market?
The system of interaction is revolutionized thanks to these tools, the present and the future are both commercial media.
SOLOTABLET:According to some tablet cannot represent a va, ida alternative to personal computers for security reasons, integration with existing IT environments, support and assistance. What do you think?
It's the respectable as usual fear of change, however the limited transition period required. Time is almost finished.
SOLOTABLET:Many analysts are highlighting with curiosity and attention a momentous step that place between now and 2015. According to you the phenomenon in the company will undergo accelerations or will be slowed down by problems listed above?
As far as we can only say how companies already in place: companies are ramping up ever more attentive and fast to keep up with the times. This involves retraining and then a major investment as indispensable.
SOLOTABLET:Describe your application and solution evidenziandoni benefits and differentiators and benefits compared to the competition.
We have, if you can say, quite a number of applications, most visible on the site The Tombolone is the last arrived, graphically pleasing, easy to use for the purpose of liven up the game of Bingo.
In detail:
Computer Management Awards:
calculating total harvest quota calculation of individual award (mbo, quadruplet, quintuplet terno, and tombolas)Management Board:
extraction of random numbers and billboard graphics display of numbers excerpts of recent numbers drawn list view of the significance of the number according to Grimace ability to extract the number shaking iphone
Grimace: list of 90 numbers of Bingo with its detail:
SOLOTABLET:Who are your main competitors? Those local or large software manufacturers who are preparing plans and programmes to dominate new markets?
Groups, businesses and individual programmers who work with great professionalism provide the healthy competition for all the developers working on this project.
SOLOTABLET:You have business models useful details, such as rent, to make it easier for companies and the introduction of the tablet in the IT infrastructure running?
We are often called to work for companies, depending on the needs of those we seek to contribute the most customized and appropriate as possible.
SOLOTABLET:Your solution is simple to implement, or requires additional developments and interventions?
We are often called to work for companies, depending on the needs of those we seek to contribute the most customized and appropriate as possible.
SOLOTABLET:You have programs and plans for future developments? In particular for new applications, vertical solutions, operating systems, platforms, etc.?
We are especially keen and as such, always abuzz!
SOLOTABLET:What do you think of an initiative like SOLOTABLET?
It is not the first to treat the mobile world related aspects but is probably the only to do so much dedicated and professional; really congratulations for management and structure.
Merry Christmas