AlessiTab renews, innovation and technology for home use

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The new AlessiTab release represents a concrete step towards a future now very near where through everyday objects with intelligence and constantly connected to the network, we will have the ability to access appropriate information sources at any time and in any place.

The tablet of new concept was born from the close Alessicooperation, which has cleverly created a design by "pet" for an instrument normally used outside the walls of the House and Promelit, who put his experience in the production of innovative hardware. Alessi Promelit and have also made use of support and collaboration of Softec who has intelligence taking care of the development of software platform inside.

Innovative features of the tablet were born from creativity Stefano Giovannoni's, designers tasked by Alessi for this project, from the experience of Promelit in the realization of multimedia systems, Softecand has enhanced the Android operating system through a solution based on DesktopMate ® platform for the management and delivery of web content of different nature.

The application created by Softec is specifically designed for consumer and home is intended for the tablet.
The graphical user interface, developed according to principles of extreme simplicity of use, and features present on the device, then respond to the needs of all components of the household.

Thanks to the collaboration with prestigious Alessi companies such as Promelitand Softec , confirmed as reference company for the construction of applications and services in optics Internet of Things Ubiquitous Computing , and Virtual Workspaces.



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