Available for download (also available in iPad format as APP) the report of Interbrand, a company that deals with international brands, provides an accurate picture of developments in the economy 2011 through the analysis and the compilation of a list of the first hundred major international brand value. The result of a consolidta methodology, the report provides a list of the top 100 brands in the world, serves to highlight trends and emerging paradigms, their connection with similar phenomena in the past and trends of changes more or less radical future.
2011 emerges from the report clearly the key role that has taken the technology in influencing the leaderboard and in determining the winning brands tecnologci positions that have climbed.
Cloud computing, tablet and mobile devices, social networking/social media and social software in General describe all some technological trends that have allowed some part as Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, HTC of affernarsi to growth of turnover but especially to reputation and value. An analysis of the success of these brands is provided in English by Business Magazine.